Providing a new path to the future of agriculture


The HSS CF2000-3 is a towed 3-row orchard sprayer with the option of a hydraulically driven mower mounted under the sprayer. Using this machine, a large hectarage can be treated in a short period of time.

The machine features intelligent touch-screen operation enabling it to be operated using a single button. Thanks to this control system, it is possible to turn without stopping in an area just five metres wide.

Due to the unique system of retraction and extension, the air outlets always remain at an angle to the row of trees, which prevents over or under dosing of spray liquid, and it is possible to drive through a row with one or two arms retracted.


3-Row Orchard Sprayer

Standard Features:

  • Tank volume 2000 litres
  • Tandem axle, one braked axle, one axle hydraulically adjustable in width
  • Four-cylinder brass suction membrane pump
  • Electrical switching of injectors of the mixing device
  • Touch screen control for: digital tank measurement, digital pressure measurement, registration monitor and monitoring the supply per 16 nozzles.
  • In-built hydraulic system with oil cooler
  • Double 90-degree gearbox with Category 2 lift arm pins for a short turning circle
  • Road lights
  • Maximum planting spacing 3.70 m
  • Maximum tree height 3.55 m